Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Psalm 96: A Translation

There are a few interesting translation and contextual issues peculiar to this psalm. Of special note, for example, is that the text of Psalm 96 is also found in 1 Chronicles 16, albeit meshed together with a pastiche of other psalms, namely Psalms 105, and 106. Additionally, the Hebrew text found in 1 Chronicles 16 is slightly different than what is preserved in Psalm 96, 105, and 106, but it also provides us with some good narrative context for the psalm’s composition, and its intended use –namely, in the context of worship within Yahweh’s tabernacle service. As always, any infelicities in the translation are my responsibility alone, and you should always compare what I have translated against several translations (I recommend the NRSV, NASB, and ESV). What motivated me to translate this psalm is the, in my opinion, overly general or otherwise parochial language that dominates most translations, and renders the psalm as flat, dry, or obscure. The Hebrew is much more specific, and my goal is to share as much of my reading experience with the community that I could, given the time.

(1)        Sing to Yahweh a new song!
                 Sing to Yahweh all the earth!
(2)        Sing to Yahweh; enliven His name!
                 Report from day to day of His victory!
(3)        Chronicle among the heathens His renown,
                 among all the races His impossible feats!
(4)        Indeed, supreme is Yahweh, and most praiseworthy.
                 Feared is He to be over all gods.
(5)        Indeed, all gods of the races are mere trinkets,
                 but Yahweh made the heavens!
(6)        Splendor and majesty are before Him;
                 valor and beauty are in His sanctuary.
(7)        Attribute to Yahweh, O clans of the races,
                 attribute to Yahweh renown and valor.
(8)        Attribute to Yahweh the renown of His name.
                 Bear tribute, and come to His courts!
(9)        Bow to Yahweh in sacred attire.
                 Quiver on account of His face, all the earth!
(10)      Say among the nations, “Yahweh reigns!”
                 Indeed, the world will be stable; it shall not totter.
                 He will sentence the races with equity.
(11)      The heavens will revel, and the earth rave;
                 The sea will roar –even its occupants.
(12)      A field will applaud, and all that are in it,
                 then all the trees of the forest will clamor
(13)      to the face of Yahweh, because He is coming;
                 because He is coming to judge the earth.
                 He will judge the world with righteousness,
                 and the races with His fidelity.