Saturday, August 23, 2008

Fatter than the fattest fat times infinity...

Just for the sake of putting this out there, the all star Olympian Michael Phelps has not only blown our minds with his swimming abilities, but with his eating abilities as well. In addition to the unreal amount of exercise he gets in a day, he eats over 12,000 calories worth of food a day. THAT'S OVER SIX TIMES WHAT YOU AND I ARE SUGGESTED TO EAT. My mind is perpetually baffled by the notion of all of it. I understand that he needs all of that food/energy for his caloric demands, but seriously. How big does his stomach have to be? Shoving down the food that he takes in would not only be painful, but torturous for even the "fattest" of Americans. If you bother to search the internet for him, prepare to have your mind warped and your stomach blown.

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