Friday, May 7, 2010


I am conquered.

Life has crushed me in its inner chambers.
I am no more, for I have tasted the depths of Sheol
and have found the most profound nothingness.

I can hear the screams,
I can feel the pain that you and I,
and all of us are destined to find.

There is no joy here,
only silence, only suffering.
My pain is only magnified by my loss,
my love, forever and always.

You may see it approaching but who can resist it?
For all is from the Lord, my Master, my King.
The rains fall on us all, and noone is spared.
If you have not found Him, He will find you.

You cannot resist Him.
Who can save us from such horror,
such nothingness, such pain?
There is none, not one but the Lord.

1 comment:

Cory Isaac said...

You take the voice of David, the voice of Job, the Spirit of Ecclesiastes and of the kneeling Christ in Gethsemane.

Praise be to the LORD, God of heaven and earth.